Marc Gálvez Llorens

Marc Gálvez Llorens

My work

Level Design (36-rooms)

Lobby design

Tilesets Art

Assets art


GDD document

Animations rock destruction, snowman destruction and barrels destruction

Water animation

Enemy IA design (12 enemies)

Boss design (3 bosses)

Sprite sleep enemy plant

Sprite purple frog

Camera Movement

Implemented Camera Shake (created by Jose Antonio Prieto)

Post Production and audio logo 3d “intro game”

Team presentation trailer

Teaser Game Idea (showed to a Publisher)

Final Trailer Game

Credits menú

Collaborators menu

Audio (bgm and sfx of all game)


Design cutscenes

Design Shop

Tutorial game design

Personal Research

Balance game

Implement statues

Art screen tutorial

GameOver screen


Create playtesting document

Design abilities

Design items

Art and Design player help (arrows and ability tiles)

Art and Design introduction to items

Art animation Rupees

Design rupees as a drop